Monday, February 23, 2009

Ash Water Woes

I was wondering why we were getting so little water down at the ranch so upon investigation I found this. The creek hasn't been dammed but the north side of the weir has been closed. So looking at this setup one would assume 50% of the water goes east to the ranch, and 50% of the water goes south. Upon a longer observation one also notices that the north half of the weir spills less water than the south side. Here is a photo from February 10, 2009 at 13:55:27.

It appears that this side of the structure is not necessary... (02/10/09 13:56:15)

Here is a photo from today with the same setup not receiving the allotted water. (02/23/09 08:02:23) with all gates in the weir open. Again assuming a 50-50 split in water rights.

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